Are you looking for a suitable place to start your child's learning journey? We are pleased to announce the Preschool Admissions Program at our school! This is a great opportunity to explore the world through color and childhood learning.

How can we help?

  1. Loving Education: At our school, we are committed to providing a safe, warm and loving educational environment. Our team of experienced teachers will accompany your child on a fun learning journey.
  2. Multi-dimensional development: We encourage multi-dimensional development for children through art, sports, and learning activities. They will be fully explored and developed.
  3. Beautiful and modern learning environment: We create favorable conditions for children's learning and development with modern facilities.

What awaits the children at our school?

  • Children are introduced to how to hold a pen, correct writing posture, how to use books and school supplies.
  • Children will be supported to gradually transition from natural language learning to active learning through 04 methods: Listening – Speaking – Reading – Writing, learning to write basic strokes; Getting acquainted, recognizing, and writing the alphabet.
  • An's school also integrates word search games into the lesson, helping children expand their vocabulary and practice their ability to express themselves. 
  • Build a sense of learning habits for children, practice the habit of independence and self-discipline to complete learning tasks.

Register today:

Let your child explore and experience the fun of the An's School journey.

We look forward to welcoming you and your family into our learning community. Let's build a promising future for children together!